Frequently Asked Questions- Car Accidents In Miramar
What should I do if I’m involved in a car accident?
If you are in a car accident, call 911 immediately and ensure that everyone on the scene is safe. If anyone requires medical attention, request that an ambulance arrive at the scene.
Even if no one was injured, always insist that a law enforcement officer comes to the scene to collect the following evidence:
- names;
- contact information;
- insurance information;
- license plate numbers;
- vehicles’ make, model, and year;
- registration number;
- driver’s license number; as well as
- contact information for any witnesses.
Who determines fault?
In the event of a car accident, the person who is deemed to be “at fault” will be held to pay damages. Fault can often be determined by simply examining Florida’s traffic laws.
However, in Florida, fault can be difficult to determine. For example, when two drivers merge into the same lane and crash into each other, it is more difficult to determine who caused the crash.
In cases where fault is not clear, insurers will determine who is at fault primarily by looking at the damages to the vehicles, witnesses testimony, video surveillance, and accident reconstruction simulations.
Bruce Jacobs recommends that you avoid admitting to having any kind of fault at the scene, so it does not get entered in the police report. Admitting fault to a police officer may be used against you in your claim.
Should I go to the doctor if I don’t have evident injuries?
Many times, injuries do not manifest immediately. Due to this, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if all you’re feeling is minor soreness.
Bruce Jacobs can’t stress this enough, because insurance companies will argue against your injury claim if you do not go to a doctor right away.
After an accident, it is possible you will suffer an internal injury. So, if the car accident jerked your head or caused you to hit your body in any way, you should take an ambulance to the hospital.
Can I be at fault for being rear-ended in a crash?
Rear-end collisions are remarkably common in South Florida, especially in Miramar. They can happen due to texting while driving, drunk driving, eating/drinking behind the wheel, reaching for something in back seat and speeding.
Regardless of why you suddenly stopped, if someone hits your car from behind, they are usually at fault. This is because they were likely not driving at the speed limit or at a safe distance from your car.
However, there are some cases in which the front driver can be at fault for a rear-end collisions, for example:
- if the front driver suddenly comes to a complete stop without warning,
- the front driver turns without using his or her blinker, or
- the front vehicle has faulty break lights.
Should I Give The Insurance Company A Recorded Statement?
Avoid giving recorded statements to insurance companies. It is important to remember that the insurance company’s goal is to compensate you as little as possible for your claim. Contact Bruce R. Jacobs, an experienced car accident attorney in Miramar, before providing any statements to insurance carriers.
Additionally, avoid waiting too long before filing your claim. If you surpass this time restraint, you will not be compensated for your injuries. In Florida, there is a statute of limitations for filing a claim for a car accident (4 years from the date of accident).
What if the person who hit me doesn’t have insurance?
Florida allows uninsured motorist coverage, which provides protection for personal injuries caused by the negligence of someone without sufficient insurance. If so, have our Miramar car accident lawyer handle the logistics for filing a claim and collecting your damages from the at fault driver without insurance.
When should I hire a lawyer for my car accident in Miramar?
You should always hire an attorney if you have been injured in a car accident.
With Bruce Jacobs as your car accident attorney, you can have the confidence that he will:
- explain your options;
- return your call or email the same day or by the next morning;
- efficiently submit your car accident claim;
- obtain your medical records;
- communicate with your insurance company;
- communicate with the at-fault driver’s insurance company;
- obtain compensation for economic damages (such as property damage, medical bills, and lost earnings); and
- obtain compensation for non-economic damages. (such as physical pain and suffering, disfigurement, and mental anguish)
Get A Free Case Evaluation – Call (954) 961-1993
Contact Bruce R. Jacobs to find out how he can help you. You can contact him by phone at (954) 961-1993 or by e-mail through this web site to schedule an appointment and learn more about your rights. He offers a free initial consultation.
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